Healer's Helpline FAQ's
What is it?
A 'Learn, Support and Heal' model made for our healers and partners
What does it include?
Assistance with complicated, sensitive and mysterious cases
Root cause analysis of health problems
Customized dietary protocol and
Supplements lists
Advanced test Anaylsis.
What do you get?
Freedom to choose your own cases and charge them appropriately
Practical knowledge and skills
Exclusive and personal support by iThrive's experienced team
You'll be the main caregivers, we'll be silent helper
Pricing for the program
Root cause analysis ₹ 3,000
Customized protocol ₹ 2,500
Supplements list ₹ 2,500
Advanced test analysis ₹ 2,500
Advanced tests supplement list ₹ 2,500
Practice what you preach!
If your client is YOU, we provide you 25% OFF on the original prices
No referral benefit for the 'Learn, Support and Heal' model where team iThrive's assistance is involved